RC Web And Warehouse (Listing id 8473)

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Phone No : 03 52293398

10 Currier St
Breakwater Victoria 3219

RC Web checkout, Checkers and Warehouse is an online consider, DIY Bathroom Painting extension of our warehouse RC business - stocking and selling a wide range of quality RC cars, trucks, helicopters, truggy's, aeroplanes and more.
Stocking and supplying parts, upgrades and extras for all vehicles.
We have a wide range of brands including HPI, Traxxas, LRP, Losi, HB, and generic imports - Wind Hobby and HSP.
Local look at, Geography and Geofiction ly in southern region of Victoria we have a growing also look at, RC Abrams Tank reputation for onsite repairs also look at, Quilt Fabric and servicing. Regular customers come to the Geelong based warehouse from Melbourne, Werribee, Ballarat, Warrnambool, Forrest Hill, Colac, Horsham and Daylesford.
At the back of the warehouse is an indoor , Model Train and Railroad Houses drift track for customer use. Use of the indoor try, Advertising Collectibles RC drift track is FREE there are basic courteous rules we like users to abide by. The track has a sound system, fog machine, and laser lighting and track lighting. All included for an all round fun drifting experience.

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This ad has been viewed 3073 times since its launch on (06/04/2012)

The owner of this listing was in "Australia" when this ad was placed.

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