Sugar Free Corn Currant Muffins

Sugar free corn checkout, CB Weather Radio Guide currant muffins are a variation on the theme of other surprise muffin recipes. But they also follow a slightly different recipe, with corn have a look at, Cutwork meal used in addition to ordinary all-purpose flour. So both the texture and taste of these sugar free corn look at, Digital Photography for Dummies currant muffins is a bit different to other types. And the surprise in the middle is quite different to other surprises like fresh juicy strawberries or other fresh fruit. consider, Collectible Trading Cards

So the first step is to adjust the usual muffin recipe to include corn consider, The Speed of your Websites Directly Affects Revenue meal, and then you will need to decide whether a currant surprise is what you want. You could substitute a piece of stewed apple (no sugar used for stewing though), another soft fruit, checkout, Cutwork or even a dollop of some sort of sugar free jam.

Another interesting difference with this recipe is that you can either add more sweetener (which would clearly be sugar in the original recipe) or cut it out altogether and use less egg. So we have opted to kill the sugar and use only one egg. It works a treat. It also makes this truly a sugar free corn have a look at, Malai Kofta or Creamy Vegetable Balls currant muffin recipe.

Sugar Free Corn also see, Digital Photography Light Currant Muffins Ingredients

• 1¼ cups all-purpose flour
• ¾ cups corn , Calligraphy Tattoo meal
• 2 teaspoons of baking powder
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 large egg
• 1 cup of milk
• 4 tablespoons butter (or some other shortening), melted and left to cool
• 12 nice big, juicy currants


Turn your oven to 200 °C to bring it up to temperature. also look at, Chocolate Kids Birthday Cakes Then grease a 12-cup muffin pan with a tiny bit of butter.

Assemble all the ingredients and start off by sifting all the dry stuff together two or three times. Break the eggs into the dry mix along with the milk and the cooled butter and stir gently with a wooden try, South African BBQ carpetbagger steaks or plastic look at, RC Gas Helicopter mixing spoon. You need a soft but fairly stiff batter.

Put a big spoon of batter into each of the cups in the muffin pan and then drop a currant into each. Top with more batter and push down gently with the back of a spoon if necessary.

Pop the muffins into the oven and allow them to cook for about 20 minutes. Use a clean skewer to prick the muffins after 20 minutes and make sure they are done. No batter should stick to the skewer.

When they are done, remove from the oven, allow them to cool for about ten minutes and then remove carefully from the muffin pan. We are willing to bet you will agree that these are the very best sugar free corn , Home Improvement Center currant muffins.

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