

The word acultomancy is derived from the Latin word “aculeus”, which means needle and the Greek word “manteia”, meaning “Divination”. It is a divine practise where future events are predicted using needles. To practise acultomancy what you will need is a bowl, upto 25 needles and water, also look at, Collectible Children's Books the number of needles varies from seven to twenty five. The bowl is filled with water look at, RC Scale Cars and then needles are added to it. The diviner is then required to predict the future from the patterns the needles form. In a variation, a powdery substance usually flour, is sprinkled on a flat also see, Making Clay Doll surface and then the needles are dropped on it. The shape which these falling needles make on the flour is then used to make the predictions.

Sand, talcom powder, sugar or salt can also be used in place have a look at, Home Improvement Plumbing of flour. However sugar and salt are considered to be better than talcom powder and flour, as it doesn't mess up the area and cleaning after the divination session is much easier. The needles after the conduct are stored in a casting cup for reuse and a tray can br used as a flat also see, Olympus Digital Camera surface.

You are required to keep the question you want to ask in mind and then drop the needles in the water also look at, CB Radio Wiring or sand. have a look at, Scale Model Houses Henceforth patterns and motifs are looked for and their identification is done either in shapes, crosses or lines. There are different meanings of the patterns formed after dropping the needles.

Some of Acultomancy patterns are:

Parallel lines:

They indicate balance or justice, according to the subject of the question. Some say it means forthcoming gains while others say the situation is confusing.

Broken Lines:

They indicate that you will find some hurdles in your work, and that the changes also look at, Collectible Prints in life will be very abrupt. The wider the distance between the broken lines the bigger the size of obstacle. Some diviners also predict future travels for broken lines.

Vertical lines:

They indicate that if you want worldly changes consider, RC Scale Cars then you have to first bring changes consider, Home Improvement Electrical within you. It also indicates guided tours.

Horizontal Lines:

They indicate that the future is not clear or that the subject has set his focus on some mundane activities, especially at the time of reading.


Cross implies a major decision coming in the way of the subject. Enemies are indicative of crossed needles and the larger the number of needle, larger the number of enemies.

Easy to do and sometimes capable of producing startling results, acultomancy has been in practise for many years. Even though nothing can predict the future completely, acultomancy may give you some insightful answers, if done with the right spirit.

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