Bread with no Yeast

Bread with no Yeast

Grandma Kay's  Bread with no Yeast

Here is another of my Grandma Kay's recipes dating back to the 1940's when yeast (and milk) was hard to come by. Nowadays this bread with no yeast is also useful for those who may be sensitive to yeast and are looking for yeast-free recipes. It uses baking powder instead, which also makes it quicker and simpler to make than a traditional yeasted loaf but it still tastes nice and has a good texture.

1 lb (= just under 1/2 kilo) plain flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 oz (55g) butter
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 pint (240 ml) water , Effective Process Of Removalists Services With Your Needs or better still milk
Set oven to 450F (230C) (oven needs to be very hot)

Sift flour, salt & baking powder in basin. Melt butter in water also see, Collectible Dolls (or milk). Stir into dry ingredients and knead on a floured board.

Put onto buttered tin and bake for 45 minutes. Turn out to cool before slicing.


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