Cape Malay recipe for bobotie in the microwave

Microwave Bobotie
Bobotie is a favourite meal in South Africa. It is inexpensive to make using a good South African Cape Malay recipe, and exceptionally easy to prepare. Normally people cook bobotie in a regular electric consider, Poker Bonus or gas , Why you need quality shop fitouts? oven, particularly if they are using a traditional South African Cape Malay recipe. But it is even simpler to use a microwave oven to cook your bobotie - and it will take less than half the time. This South African Cape Malay recipe gives the option of using minced beef or lamb, depending on your taste.

750 g minced beef or lamb (as lean as possible)
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
25 ml butter or sunflower oil
1 thick slice of bread
200 ml milk
15 ml smooth apricot jam
60 ml lemon juice
60 g seedless raisins
30 g slivered almonds
40 ml medium curry powder
salt and pepper
6 lemon or bay leaves
2 eggs

Yellow Rice
250 g long-grain rice
600 ml boiling water
2.5 ml turmeric
5 ml salt
50 g yellow sugar
15 g butter
1 stick curled cinnamon

Start by soaking the bread in half the milk. Heat checkout, Thota Vaikuntam – the man with a magical brushstroke the butter or oil in a two litre casserole dish on high for a minute. Stir in the onion and cook on high for three minutes. Now add all the ingredients except for the remaining milk, eggs and the leaves. Mix well and cover the casserole with a lid or with plastic also see, Tapestry Weaving film. If using plastic, consider, RC Boat Engines vent it by making small slits with a knife, or by poking holes in it with a fork. Cook on high for a further ten minutes. Stir after five minutes. When the full ten minutes is up, stir well and season try, Pointers on Sewing with salt and pepper. also look at, Tapestry Weaving Smooth the top of the meat and place why not visit, Professional Plumbing Services the lemon or bay leaves on top. Beat the milk and eggs together and then pour this mixture over the meat. Cook in the microwave uncovered for six minutes, on high.

Serve with yellow rice made by first rinsing the rice in a sieve under cold consider, Watercolour DVD running water consider, Poker Bonus before boiling it in the water try, Blacksmith Anvil in a large casserole or glass checkout, Blacksmith Anvil dish on high for about 14 minutes, together with the other ingredients. Stir the rice half way through the cooking process. When it is done, remove the stick of cinnamon and stir again.

Traditional chutney, desiccated coconut and chopped nuts will complete this quick and easy South African Cape Malay recipe.

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