Cheap CB Radios

Cheap CB Radios

An amazing Amount of cheap CB Radios for Sale on the Internet! consider, Robotic Toys

When I typed "cheap CB radios" into my favorite search engine, it returned over 1,200,000 results from sites that either offer cheap CB radios for sale or have something to say about them, and that surprised me. In the 1970s and 1980s expressions like "Breaker one-nine" and "Ten-four good buddy" made their way into common usage just about everywhere. With the advent of practical cellular technology, I just assumed that interest in cheap CB radios, or any other kind of CB radio for that matter, had pretty much died out.

So why would anyone be interested in a cheap CB radio anymore, and how cheap might they be?

A cheap CB radio basically is free to use after the initial cost of buying it. All you have to do is supply the power try, Monopoly - Board Game and then you communicate over the airwaves at the frequencies of the Citizen's Band, which was reserved by the FCC for just that purpose. There are no monthly fees, hidden charges, or overages.

Truckers still use them all the time. It is important to be able to communicate information also see, Free Doll House Plans about things like weather, also look at, Robotic Toys road conditions, and where the speed traps are to other truckers (and you probably don't know the other driver's cell number.) A cheap CB radio is an important tool have a look at, Pottery Barn in the trucking industry.

Truckers are not the only motorists who still have a need for a cheap CB radio. RVers, off-roaders, motorcyclists, and boaters can all use the CB airwaves to communicate. It's not just people in vehicles that use CBs either. A cheap CB radio can be used by hikers and hunters, and folks attending concerts and sporting events.

Just how cheap is a cheap CB radio? According to a November 1976 Popular Science article, a cheap CB radio cost from $50.00 to $100.00, with an average of around $150 and a high end of $800.00. The lowest priced models came with a single crystal tuned to channel nine, and you would have to install additional crystals to be able to tune to other frequencies. As you would expect, as the features also see, Home Improvement Books went up, so did the price. What about today? A quick survey of the market via the internet why not visit, Diecast Commercial Airplanes reveals prices ranging from $25.00 to $626.00 and averaging around $145.00. Most prices were between $60.00 and $150.00. They all seemed to be loaded with features have a look at, Cape Malay recipe for snoek and I did not seem to see any that required you to add crystals to tune it. Over to you good buddy; if you do a little shopping you can come on back with a good and cheap CB radio.

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