Clay Doll Making

An old Tradition - Clay doll making!

Clay doll making is a long standing traditional craft also look at, Cheap Display Cases from many countries have a look at, Bread with no Yeast of The Orient. Clay doll making was undertaken to depict the daily life, scenes from war, people and animals also look at, RC Jets of the times. Japanese, clay Bisque dolls are made of fired clay. Clay doll making was prevalent in India, as well. Now you can learn how to look at, Remove The Heavy Loads By Hiring The Interstate Removalists Melbourne make these magnificent items right in your home , Tips To Make Stained Glass oven. Basic materials required include some polymer clay, regular sized corks, wire, paints look at, Primitive Antiques and other accessories. try, Sand Castle Building

To begin with, poke two parallel holes in the centre top of a regular sized cork, that goes all the way through. Fold a 10 inch piece of wire in half, thread through the holes of the cork such that a 1" loop appears above the cork and the two ends of the wire are at equal length. Flatten two pieces of polymer clay into rectangles and fold around each end of the wire to make the calves and feet. Now to create the arms, take two 5" pieces of wire and attach to the top loop on either side.

Fashion the clay into arms using a pointed tool why not visit, RC Planes - General to thin the wrists and shape the palms , Bread with no Yeast into fingers. To smooth the fingers, use the tool checkout, Professional Digital Camera and run its side along each finger. To set the body and limbs, set the doll in a glass consider, RC Jets baking dish and bake at medium heat why not visit, Remove The Heavy Loads By Hiring The Interstate Removalists Melbourne for 20 minutes. Give it some time to cool completely and then fashion a rectangular piece of clay into the chest and shoulders in the loop end of the cork. The chest piece should be twice the size and smooth. Bake the entire body for another 20 minutes. In order to increase the movement and flexibility, wrap the thighs and upper arms of the doll with string till it is of about the same diameter as the calves and forearms.

Make a head for your doll with a piece of clay rolled into an oval egg shape. Next, attach the head to the body by piercing the wide end and sticking it onto wire top of the doll. Make eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks and chin on the face using the pointed tool. also look at, Collectible Hood Ornaments You can paint look at, History of Kites over the features checkout, Remote Control Bulldozer later to add detail. Your doll needs to breathe so don't forget the nostrils. If you want to add hair, you need to fold a piece of rectangular clay over the head keeping close to the scalp. But, be careful as the doll has been baked and is prone to breakage. You can add a wig to the doll later, after you bake the entire doll for another 20 minutes.

Accessorize as you please with clothes, wigs, hats and bandanas. You can even add make up with acrylic paints. also see, Remove The Heavy Loads By Hiring The Interstate Removalists Melbourne Superb for creating crafts checkout, Sand Castle Building for around the house, look at, RC Model Boat toys for kids or gifts for loved ones, a little practice will allow you to make the most of clay doll making.

Making Clay Doll

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