Fairy Doll Making

Become an Expert at Fairy Doll making!

Fairy doll making is not just an activity reserved for little girls, with an equal number of adult doll makers indulging their inner child by making these pretty dolls. Despite having a certain look, fairy doll making allows room also see, South African Kudu Fillet for more creativity than doll making of a particular style, such vintage doll making. You can make the hair a bright purple, complete with yellow wings, consider, Tapestry Weaving if you wanted to. But before you can indulge in fairy doll making you need to gather a few items and then follow a few simple instructions.

Start out by collecting the basic materials required to make your fairy doll, which include fine wire, glitter, glue, paper, pencil, pipe cleaner, embroidery floss, quilt batting, any fancy fabric such as taffeta or organza and a light-coloured, such as ivory or flesh tones, cotton material. Once you have these items we can start with the process of fairy doll making.

Trace out your fairy doll's body on the paper. Now you don't need to be dead accurate as you can always detail it further later. After you are done, cut out the paper and place consider, RC Airplanes it on the cotton material and cut out two pieces similar to the paper pattern. Now turn the two pieces of fabric inside consider, Tapestry Weaving out and stitch them together. Make sure you leave about half an inch from the edge of the pieces and also leave a gap for inserting the stuffing.

After you are done sewing the two pieces together, turn the fabric inside also see, Special Wood Carving Secrets out and then stuff it with quilt batting. Make sure you fill out the body well, and spread out the batting to avoid undesirable clumping in one place. have a look at, DIY - Do it Yourself Once you are done sew up the remaining open section between the two pieces.

Your fairy doll's body is now ready. Now you can either make a simple dress for your fairy doll, or put on some pre-made doll clothes that fit. In case you wish to make the doll clothes, then try a simple A-line dress, which requires you to trace out the doll's body on a material of your choice. Cut out the pieces and similar to making the doll's body, stitch the two pieces together after turning them inside look at, Collectible Autographs - Philography out. Make sure you leave gaps for the hands to come out. Be creative when choosing the dress material, and you can also decorate , Baseball Display Cases it with sequins and beads.

Once you fairy doll is dressed, we now move on to the most important part, the wings. try, Mini RC Tanks For that you will need to cut a piece of pipe cleaner just enough to fit it inside , How to make a Doll House the doll's dress at the back. This will work as an anchor for the fairy's wings. also see, How to make a Doll House Once the pipe cleaner has been secured on the doll's back, you need to create the wings. checkout, Carpet Cleaning Chapel Hill Use the fine wire to make the outline shape of the wings checkout, Preserving Flowers with Glycerine for your doll. Make sure the wings have a look at, Avon Collectibles are the same size and symmetrically shaped. Once the outline is complete you need to trace out the shape of the wire on the material you wish to make the wings checkout, Mini RC Tanks with. This can be anything from tissue paper to light why not visit, HPI RC Cars shiny fabric.

Glue the cut outs for the wings checkout, DIY Plumbing Courses onto the wire frame and allow it to dry completely. Once dry, attach the wings also look at, DIY - Do it Yourself to the pipe cleaner, using glue. All that your fairy doll requires now is hair, eyes, lips and a nose. You can make all these with paint, consider, Large Display Cases or you can even use floss for the doll's hair. You can spend hours decorating look at, Lego Mini Robot your fair doll, with your creativity being the only limit. A little practice will go a long way in making you an expert at fairy doll making.

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