Cleaning Robots

Roomba: The most popular cleaning Robot!
The Cleaning robots have been the most popular types of robots and the reason behind this is the demand for these robots. It has been the dream of human beings to have robots which will serve them in any manner that they want. A number of robotic companies are coming up with robots which are able to perform a number of tasks in your houses, also see, Robots hotels, airports and similar other places. also see, Vending Machine Collectibles You can buy any of these Cleaning robots and make your house try, Yoda Origami completely clean. One such Cleaning robot is the Roomba and it is definitely here to stay. Roomba is acronym for the robotic vacuum cleaner and they are being marketed by the iRobot company.
Roomba has been introduced to the market in the year of 2002 and since then it is available without many changes. try, RC Bulldozer Videos It has seen a tremendous growth in its sales and at the starting of the year 2008; around 2.5 million Roombas had already been sold. This explains the requirement of the human beings for the Cleaning robots and this is the reason why the robotics companies are heavily investing in this market. They have seen the sales and now they want a taste of this market.
The Roomba is simply a disc whose diameter is 34 cm and its height is 9 cm. In front of Roomba, a large bumper is mounted and various sensors for the infrared have been placed in the top front center of the Roomba. It also consists of various infrared transmitter units and a number of these transmitters depend upon the model you are possessing. There are three different generations of this type of robot and each of the unit has something special.
The battery which is used to operate the Roomba is nickel hydride battery and these batteries need a constant recharge. Some newer models of the Roomba have different power , Midland CB Radio units but on an average the nickel hydride batteries are the best. You too can buy Roomba from a wide range of cleaning robots from your nearest shop.
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