Control Line Planes

Control Line Planes

Control Line Planes are those model aircraft that are remotely controlled, however the mode of control differs from that of a conventional remote controlled plane. Like the name suggests, control line planes are controlled via lines or wires that govern the movement of the plane. If you are looking for a cheaper mode of remote controlled fun, while still enjoying the outdoors also look at, Home Improvement Forum with your family have a look at, GO - Chinese Board Game or friends, then a control line plane may just be what you are looking for.

Control lines planes came as a replacement for free flying planes which were more of a fire-and-forget category. These planes flew closer to the ground and despite not having a radio receiver/transmitter, had a controlled flight. Flying in circles, these planes require the hobbyist to constantly swivel around to keep up with the plane.

While this might not seem as too much fun, flying the plane around in a circle around you, is, in fact, a hobby that requires tremendous amounts of concentration and skill have a look at, Sailboat Building to keep the plane flying without glitches. The plane is controlled by two wires made, usually, of multi-brand stainless steel, while polyester, Kevlar and thin music wires in lengths varying between 20-70 feet lines.

You may want to involve a third line as well, to control the throttle but in most cases, only two lines are required and available, to make the plane rise and drop, while the engine runs on its own. These planes come in two formats namely 'Profile', where the body of the planes is flat; and 'Built-Up' models where the planes are built with different wing types determined by their specific uses.

Control line planes are run by either nitro engines, or electrical motors. The normal mix of nitromethane, castor oil and methanol may sometimes vary to include synthetic oils instead of castor oil. This is mainly to sustain the long periods of full-throttle flying carried out by these control line planes.

You will find that most control line plane models do not come with any landing gear although competition level models do have shock absorbing undercarriages. Beginners may find these types of planes quite hard to control initially but you can always train your skills have a look at, Personal Robot with instructions from a trained expert, while constantly practicing to improve your skills. look at, Classic Car Collectibles

With control line planes, you can enter various competitions at local look at, Home Improvement Plumbing clubs that mainly include speed races, precision acrobatics, team races, navy carrier model races and scale model races. Precision acrobatics is considered to be the most entertaining of the lot where you are required to complete a set of maneuvers set by the judges. These stunt races are popular across many countries look at, Watercolour DVD and it is likely that you can find a competition near your home. try, Carpet Cleaning Capalaba

So if you are looking for some simple and cheap mode of remote controlled fun then you are definitely going to enjoy some old fashioned control line planes.

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