Coolum Kite Festival

The Coolum Kite Festival is one of the most popular Kite Festivals in Australia!

The Coolum kite festival is one of the foremost kite festivals in Australia. Visitors and participants from all over the world gather at the Coolum kite festival to celebrate the art of kite making and flying. With many seminars, workshops and contests, the Coolum kite festival is a wonderful addition to the list of international kite festivals across the world.

The Coolum kite festival began in 2000 and has since become a regular annual also see, Tamiya RC Tanks event that has gained immense popularity over the years. With kite flying being one of the main contests, participants and spectators have the chance of seeing their favourite kite makers and flyers in action. However, there are also other kite-based sports such as kite surfing, which are also a major crowd puller during the Coolum kite festival.

Participants and spectators from all over the world have been known to gather at Coolum Beach for this excellent opportunity to enjoy a fantastic day at the beach as well as witness a colourful and wonderfully organized festival. There are many stalls setup that sell merchandise and eatables to the spectators & participants and also add to the incredible atmosphere of festivities at the Coolum Kite Festival.

The festival is known for attracting kite makers who prepare attractive designs also look at, Tamiya RC Tanks and wonderful shapes specially for the event. The event venue is beautifully decorated with banners, flags and balloons and offers a unique day on the beach for the entire family why not visit, Baby Doll Making and friends.

Whether you are participating in the kite flying contest or simply interested in watching it, the Coolum kite festival has something for everyone. There are a number of workshops and seminars that offer wonderful classes on kite making as well as on other forms of kite-related sports. There are demonstrations in kite flying for beginners who are given lessons on making kites, learning how to try, Rare Diecast tie their bridles and even flying them.

There are many teams that come down from all over the world, for the competition. Along with their expertise, they bring a bit of their culture with them to the competition. The kites are made according to tradition and there are points for authenticity along with beauty.

In all ways, the Coolum kite festival offers a wonderful opportunity for people to meet like-minded people who love kites and everything there is to know about them. You can learn everything about kites from people who are renowned across the globe for their kite making and flying skills. have a look at, Baby Doll Making So to enjoy a wonderful kite festival and a great day at the beach, go visit the Coolum kite festival.

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