DX CB Radio

DX CB Radio

What is a DX CB Radio?

The DX in DX CB radio is a designation in the model codes of a couple of brands of CB radios. Let's talk about what DX means then take a look at a couple of the CB radios out there that are DX CB radios.

What radio operators mean when they say DX is "distant reception." It means you are receiving signals from an unusually long way away. Trying to pick up such signals is known as DX'ing. This abbreviation or code comes from the early days of wireless (radio) transmission when all communication was in Morse code. If you didn't have to code all the letters in your message, you could send it faster. Thus, many short codes or abbreviations were developed and standardized. DX is one of several that continue to be used in radio jargon to this day.

Distant reception (or "skip") occurs when changes checkout, Meet Your Deadlines With Reliable Assignment Writing Australia in the ionosphere bend TV or FM signals back to earth , RC Construction Models one or two hundreds or, on rare occasions, up to thousands of miles away. With lower frequency waves, this skip is a more common occurrence and is what makes worldwide consider, Family Research shortwave broadcast possible and is also why AM comes in better at night, and is generally a longer-range transmission at any time. DX CB radio implies long distance.

The first DX CB radio we will discuss is the Cobra 19DXIV, a standard checkout, Collecting Milk Bottles forty channel CB radio that sells for about $36.00 to $41.00 depending where you shop. The 19DXIV outputs 4 watts. It has a compact design also see, Official Rubber Stamps and features , Home Improvement Tips an illuminated LCD display, electronic tuning, and a comb. It includes a S/RF meter to indicates signal strength, RF gain and squelch to boost incoming signal and reduce noise, a CB/PA switch, and an instant channel 9/19 switch to quickly access the emergency/information channels. The Cobra brand is well recognized and this is a great little DX CB radio from a solid company.

The other DX CB radio we will discuss is also a popular brand - the Galaxy DX-979. This compact 40-channel DX CB radio has a backlit face with an adjustable dimmer control. It is AM/SSB and has RF/Mic gain controls and an S/RF/SWR/Mod meter, antenna warning indicator (high SWR) and a frequency counter plug. You can pick one up from about $104.00 to $175.00.

Amateur radio is a popular hobby for many people and there is a lot of CB'ers still out there. It's easy and fairly inexpensive to get started. In no time, you could be out there DX'ing.

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