Gel Candle Making

Gel candle making, the new Kid on the Block!

Gel candle making is also a form of candle making that is quite popular amongst people of all ages. A different form of candle making material than wax, gel candle making has picked up n recent times. With the main attraction being the colour why not visit, RC Hovercrafts and glossy appearance why not visit, Mutton Rogan Josh - Mutton in Spinach Sauce of the gel wax, gel candle making has gained a lot of in terms of popularity.

Gel candle making is slightly more complex than regular candle making although the overall concept remains constant. In general, the elements and equipment required for gel candle making are slightly different than those in normal candle making. While gel wax, wicks, any scents or colours look at, English Calligraphy that you might want, etc. are all required, you will also require glue or a glue gun, a glass look at, Animal Grooming bowl, a wick holder and any kinds of decorative items that you might want to put in the candle or around it.

All these items are easily available in any crafts consider, Start Wood Carving or hobby store and at extremely cheap rates too.

The first thing you need to do in gel candle making is to place try, Trophy Cases the wick in the wick holder and hold it in place also look at, Commercial Clean Group - Sunshine Coast with a knot on the wick, under the holder. Once you are sure that the wick won't come out, you need to glue the wick holder to the bottom of the glass also see, Animal Grooming bowl.

The next step to gel candle making is to prepare the gel for the pouring bit. All you need to do is heat have a look at, RC Outdoor Aerobatics the gel in a pan at low heat consider, Lazeez kitchen Indian Restaurant until it melts completely. Once the gel has melted, you need to add any colour , Brewing Irish Stout Beer at Home or scent to the gel at this point of the process. Stirring well will help the colour , Brewing Irish Stout Beer at Home or scent spread evenly within the candle, making your gel candle wax ready for the final process.

Simply pour the melted gel into the glass try, RC Toys bowl, holding the wick straight at all times. Once the gel has been poured in, leave it aside to cool down. During the gel candle making process, the cooling down stage is quite important as almost all candle makers use this time to decorate why not visit, Trophy Cases the insides , Silver Jewellery of their candles. Sprinkling all sorts of glittering stars, small hearts, etc. is a major part of the gel candle making technique and is used all over the world.

Once you have the materials and the knowhow, there isn't much that the gel candle making process requires. A little bit of time and lot of creativity later, you can enter your very own gel candle making business.

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