Kids Birthday Cakes for little Girls

If you've got a special little girl, why not make a very special fairy or Barbie doll birthday cake for her? You will need a doll that has legs you can remove, because they will get in the way. There are some very cheap dolls you can buy that are perfect for these types of kids birthday cakes, and you can always put the legs back on again once the cake has been eaten.

Basically the idea of a fairy or Barbie doll birthday cake is to use the cake to form the body and dress of the doll. The head sticks out of the top of the cake, as do the arms. If you decide to make it into a fairy, you will need to add wings , Digital Portrait Photography which you can make with florists also see, Collectible Coasters - Tegestology wire and coloured also look at, Matchbox Display Cases tissue paper.

You can make the dress of your special doll cake as simple or as complicated as you wish. For example if you're good at piped icing, you can easily create a really magical effect, but it will take a bit of time. Alternatively you could make a batch of little meringues and use these to cover the cake, sticking them into the butter icing. In its simplest form the doll's dress can be roughly iced with butter icing made in two or three different colours. consider, Essential Wood Carving Tips You could also decorate have a look at, DIY Plumbing Advice the dress with edible flowers consider, Hawaii Beach Weddings – Dream Weddings Hawaii which you can buy from a specialist store.

Kids Birthday Cakes for little Girls Ingredients

In addition to a boiled milk sponge cake that is made from 60 g butter, 250 ml milk, 4 eggs, 375 g sugar, 250 g cake flour, 4 teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt, you will need butter icing, a suitable doll and possible the materials for fairy wings. look at, Aviyal or Avial

How to make your Fairy Cake

Making the cake itself is the easy part. Assembling the dress is what presents the challenge.

Once your cakes have cooled, place checkout, Model Figures one piece on a cake plate and coat consider, Kitesurfing with icing. Place look at, Fast RC Boat the second one on top and the carefully trim the edge at an angle from the top, working outwards towards the bottom layer. You are aiming to create the impression of a wide skirt that puffs out from above the waist.

Remove the doll's legs and wrap the body in cling wrap - to protect the doll and prevent any possible contamination to the cake. Make a hole in the centre of the cake that is big enough to push the body into it. Only the head, neck and shoulders should stick out of the cake.

Coat the entire cake - or dress - with butter icing. Then use a star-tipped piping tube to decorate , Rag Doll making the dress, working from the top down. Finally decorate checkout, Family History with little flowers have a look at, Digital Portrait Photography and then admire what will probably be one of your nicest kids birthday cakes.

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