Kids Birthday Cakes in Numbers

Kids birthday cakes may be made in the shape of any number to coincide with the age the child is turning. Generally the method of making them is exactly the same, irrespective of the number you choose, but obviously the shape is different.

Some shapes are easier to cut than others, and some result in more waste than others. But if you have to discard some of the cake, think about using the leftovers to make a trifle or something else that requires bits of cake.

Of course your approach will depend entirely on the age of the child whose birthday it is, but a number eight is particularly easy to make. All you do is to bake two round cakes and then stick them together and decorate consider, Display Cases for Sale to look like a bug.

Kids Birthday Cakes in Numbers Ingredients

You will need a cake baked using your favourite recipe. A boiled sponge cake is quick and easy to bake, but you may want to substitute another type of cake. It really doesn't matter, although you must use round cake tins.

You will also need butter icing made from:

• 200 g butter
• 500 g icing sugar
• 20 ml vanilla essence
• a little bit of milk
• your choice of food consider, Smartech RC Cars colouring

To decorate consider, Smartech RC Cars the cake you will need:

• 8 green also see, Collectible Skulls and Skeletons and eight red pipe cleaners
• 2 packets of mixed sweets (jelly tots and jelly babies work well)
• 2 brown smarties
• 1 marshmallow neatly slight in half to form two thin rounds
• a soft sweet like a piece of toffee or Fizzer

To make your number eight bug cake

Bake the cake and when it has cooled, cut a round section from the centre of the top of each piece. The idea is to form a cavity in each round cake. Ice the cakes lightly and use a little extra icing to make the two stick together at one point - to form the figure eight.

Twist pairs of green checkout, RC Helicopter and red pipe cleaners together and stick them into the sides of the two cakes to form pairs of legs. Fill the cavities with mixed sweets and use the marshmallows and Smarties to create eyes. Use the toffee or piece of Fizzer to form a smiley mouth.

You will find that this clever cake makes a great table centrepiece and it is one of the favourites when it comes to eight-year-old kids birthday cakes.

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