Kite Festivals Asia
There are lots of different Kite Festivals in Asia to enjoy!
Kite festivals in Asia are a massive affair as they are considered to be a major part of the local also see, RC Nitro Speedboats culture in many countries. checkout, South African BBQ Pap So much so, that kites are considered to be an integral part of most festivities, which makes kite festivals in Asia a big deal amongst the people. The kite festivals in Asia are known for the participation of the local try, DIY Kitchen Painting public and even though some festivals are not celebrated at any particular venue, rooftops and local have a look at, DIY Kitchen Painting parks offer a great vantage point for these kite flyers.
In the birth place also look at, Clothing Collectibles 1950 - 2000 of kites, the main kite festival of Asia is held at Weifang in China. The salt flats also see, DIY Bathroom Tiling in the southern parts of the city come alive with kite flyers from all over the world. The city is home checkout, Doll Making Sites to the largest kite museum in the world and the annual checkout, Marble Chocolate Cake festival welcomes professionals and visitors from all over the world where beautiful try, Drawn Thread Work kites of all kinds, and from all cultures, are on display on the site.
Pakistan is a major venue for a kite festival in Asia held during the spring checkout, Collectible Model Muscle Cars festival of Basant. Although it is a major sport in the country, checkout, 5 Tips in Keeping Your Car Good as New it is banned in many areas as people tend to fight their kites using strings covered with powdered glass try, RC Helicopter Parts and metal also look at, Embroidery History shards. Despite this, people gather on rooftops and parks and fly their kites with kite fighting being a major feature consider, Pepsi Collectibles of the festivities.
In Gujarat, India, the main cities are host to a major kite festival in Asia. The festival is held every year on the 14th and 15th of January. The festival, known as Uttarayan (14th Jan) and Vasi-Uttarayan (15th Jan) is a time for people to gather from early morning and fly kites of all shapes, sizes and colours have a look at, RC Sig Models till late evening on each day. Preparations start almost 15 days in advance as people start stocking up on kites and cords. The festival sees many international entries from across the globe.
In India, other days such as the Independence Day are also symbolized with people gathering to fly kites from their homes. why not visit, RC Micro Trucks Although not a recognized kite festival of Asia, such days are important parts of the kite flying culture in such countries. also look at, DIY Plumbing Repair
Bali is also home have a look at, Marble Chocolate Cake to a major kite festival in Asia where international entries are quite common. July sees people gather on the Sanur beach to display their prized creations. The Bebean, a fish-shaped kite is one of the largest kites flown during the festival and is a popular local also see, Mutton Korma variety of kite flown during the festival. Janggan, a bird-shaped kite is known to have a cloth tail also see, Marble Chocolate Cake that stretches to around 100 meters - another popular form as is the Pecukan, a leaf-shaped kite that is considerably difficult to fly for its unusual shape. Tourists and international professional kite makers and flyers are a common feature why not visit, RC Gas Boats during this wonderful kite festival of Asia.
Every Asian country, consider, Embroidery History where kites are a part of the local checkout, How to Quilt culture, has festivals at the local why not visit, Marble Chocolate Cake and international levels that are known to be quite spectacular as crowd pullers. People from around the world are known to get bedazzled by the wonderful display in these countries look at, Marble Chocolate Cake as tens of thousands of kites fill up the sky on these wonderful kite festivals in Asia.
Indian Kite Festival
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