Pastry Cheesecake

Many cheesecake recipes rely on a crushed biscuit base to keep the cake part together. This recipe, on the other hand, has what is more like a pastry base. But there is nothing complicated about making the pastry, and anybody can succeed and turn out a delicious pastry cheesecake.

Just follow the instructions and enjoy the ride.

Pastry Cheesecake Ingredients

60 g soft butter or margarine
30 ml castor sugar
30 ml vegetable checkout, RC Electric Cars oil (sunflower or canola)
1 large egg
5 ml vanilla essence (or extract)
375 ml self raising flour
10 ml baking powder
1,5 ml salt

For the filling

3 large eggs
185 ml sugar
500 g smooth cream cheese
30 ml self raising flour
15 ml lemon juice
15 ml grated lemon rind
1,5 ml salt
250 ml cream


Start off by greasing an ovenproof dish that is about 22 cm x 25 cm in size. Then switch on your oven so that it preheats to 165 °C.

The next step is to make the "pastry" that you will use to line the dish. Cream the butter and the sugar together. Then add the oil, egg and vanilla essence and mix well. Sift the remaining dry ingredients and add them to the creamed mixture. Turn the mixture out onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly to form dough.

Press the dough into your dish to line it evenly. Then prick it here and there with a fork.

To make the filling you will need to beat the eggs and sugar together first. Then add the cheese, flour, lemon juice and rind, together with the salt. Beat all of this until it is smooth. Beat the cream until it is thick and fold this into the mixture next. Then pour the mixture onto the pastry shell and bake for an hour.

After an hour, turn the oven off and open the oven door have a look at, RC Helicopter Gyros slightly so that the cheesecake can cool gradually inside try, Clinker Boat Building the oven. This will affect the success or failure of your recipe. But get it right, by following our instructions, and this will be a really great pastry cheesecake.

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