Patchouli Oil

Patchouli Oil

Patchouli oil is native to India and Malaysia and traditionally it was used in the East for keeping bedbugs away as it has a strong, spicy but also musky-sweet aroma. It was also used traditionally in potpourri. Patchouli oil is extracted from young leaves and these are then dried before being subjected to steam distillation. Patchouli oil has many therapeutic qualities including as an aphrodisiac, diuretic and antiseptic making it a popular oil to have at home. have a look at, Drawing Faces

The oil also has a strong balancing effect on the emotions and it can help to fight off feelings of anxiety and depression and eradicate feelings of lethargy. Patchouli oil is good at reducing water have a look at, Fluffy Chocolate Cake retention and helpful to those who are intent on losing weight.

Patchouli oil is excellent at skin regeneration as it helps to promote the growth of new skin cells. It is renowned for promoting fast healing but an additional benefit is that it can aid at reducing scarring once any wounds have healed.

There are many ways to use Patchouli oil such as:

- Vaporisers - used this way it can help to reduce any anxieties that may be experienced. It lifts depression but it can also make those in the near vicinity feel a little amorous.
- Use it neat on insect bits. Just add a little to a cotton bud also look at, Vegetarian BBQ and dab it on.
- Blend the oils and use as a massage oil. Used this way it can help to eradicate areas of cellulite and is good for dermatitis.
- If used in a lotion or cream, it can help to speed up the formation of wounds which are slow to heal.

Always make sure that you purchase only pure essential oils as their properties look at, Dream Interpretation are much more potent than those of a less expensive nature. consider, Fluffy Chocolate Cake When considering which oils to select, it is definitely worth considering this oil because it has many common uses. Similarly if you are keen at the idea of blending oils, then bergamot, geranium, lavender or clary sage works well with Patchouli oil.

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