Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil may be a lesser known oil than those such as Lavender or Bergamot for example, but it has some very distinct therapeutic qualities even so. As with any essential oil there can inevitably be some side effects so always use carefully and stop using Oregano oil if any reactions are experienced such as nausea, rash, itching and some facial swelling. If suffering from anaemia, Oregano oil should only be taken internally after consultation from a medical doctor and this is because the oil can deplete iron absorption from food. also look at, Calligraphy Set

Oregano oil contains two compounds (carvacrol and thymol) which can be useful in the inhibiting of worms or fungi and antioxidants which can help to combat disease also look at, Free Online Poker have also been found within the oil.

Oregano oil has many other therapeutic benefits such as:

- Athlete's foot-rub a couple of drops into the area affected and this will ease the condition.
- To alleviate the pain of toothache-massage a little oil which has been diluted with water, have a look at, Under Digital Camera directly onto the gum and around the teeth which may be causing the pain.
- Helps to alleviate Candida by mixing a few drops with juice and taking everyday.
- For upset stomachs - Add one or two drops to milk or a glass try, GLOBAL BUSINESS MARKETING of juice and this could help settle an uncomfortable stomach.
- Aids headache recovery - can be rubbed into the temples to help reduce the pain.

For anyone interested in learning more about aromatherapy it is important to read up on all of the different essential oil properties , Underwater Digital Camera so that you can decide which are the best oils to invest in. Some essential oils are more expensive so choosing the ones which match your own individual needs will save look at, RC Fast Electric Cars a great deal of time and money. Oregano oil can be sourced from a variety of places checkout, Palak Gosht or Mutton in Spinach Sauce but in addition to the traditional retail outlets, the oil can be purchased through various specialist internet have a look at, RC Fast Electric Cars sites. If you feel that this oil would be a useful addition to the first aid also look at, Japanese Robots kit, always ensure that the Oregano oil is of pure quality.

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