South African BBQ fruity chicken

South African BBQ recipe for fruity chicken
Chicken is an amazingly versatile form of food consider, Sewing with Machines both in the kitchen why not visit, RC Robot Controllers and on the barbie. There are a huge number of different ways that you can cook chicken on an outdoor , Asian Sculptures fire, but a popular South African BBQ recipe for chicken involves adding fruit consider, Digital Landscape Photography Cape Malay style. In fact there are lots of different versions of chicken and fruit, consider, Touring Motorcycles but the South African BBQ recipe we have chosen is a very simple one that requires minimal ingredients - other than the brandy. Just be warned, if you want to follow this South African BBQ recipe to the T and get the results we have tested, brandy it will have to be!

Ingredients for the fruity chicken BBQ recipe

You will need:

2 large chickens
6 ripe peaches, split, skinned and stoned
6 ripe apricots, split, skinned and stoned
½ cup butter
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
3 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons brown sugar

How to cook your fruity chicken
The first step, as always is to light consider, Brewing Standard Cider and Perry at Home a fire look at, Boat Building that you can use to cook your food. also look at, Crocheted When the coals are ready (they should be red hot checkout, Large Display Cases but not flaming), you will be able to pop the chicken onto a grid above the coals and then let it braai away. In the meantime get that chicken ready by splitting it along the beast bone so that it can lie reasonably flat also look at, Touring Motorcycles on the grid.

Then mix the lemon juice, brandy and brown sugar together and soak the fruit why not visit, Collectible Phone Cards - Telegery in this delicious juice for about an hour while the fire try, Origami with Money is burning. Drain off the marinade and put the fruit look at, Touring Motorcycles into a drip pan which you will then place why not visit, Owi Robots under the grid on which you will cook the chicken. The meat juices will gradually drip into this pan, and before you serve the fruit why not visit, Sculpting Materials and chicken you will mix it all together.

When the fire why not visit, Top 100 Ranking MLM Companies is ready, pop the chicken onto a grid and let it cook for about 40 minutes. While the chicken cooks, baste it regularly with the fruity marinade.

When the chicken is ready, remove it from the grid and place also see, Sculpting Exhibitions it on a serving platter. Mix the chicken juices and fruit why not visit, Large Display Cases together and place , Asian Sculptures alongside the chicken.

Serve with a fresh green try, Early Medieval Reenactments salad and any other side dishes recommended for this kind of South African BBQ recipe.

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