South African venison and beef

South African game recipe for venison and beef
In this appealing South African game recipe, both venison and beef are cooked together in a traditional cast iron potjie over low coals. While there is no need to marinate the meat for this South African game recipe, it will take a good three to four hours for the meat to cook. Vegetables also see, Barbie Doll House and dumplings are added once the meat is nearly done, and these require a further hour of cooking. So invite your friends for the feast and prepare to make a day of it.

You can use any venison for this recipe, but kudu is recommended. If you are in Australia, you could substitute this game for kangaroo.

2 kg boneless venison
2 kg beef shin
5 tablespoons cake flour
1 tablespoon salt
freshly ground black pepper
pinch grated nutmeg
pinch ground cloves
1 x 410 g can mushroom soup
4 cups unsweetened apple juice
1 cup dry white also see, Thunder Tiger Models wine
4 potatoes
5 carrots
4 onions
1 butternut (or other pumpkin)
4 tomatoes

for the dumplings
3 cups self-raising flour
½ tablespoon salt
1½ cups milk

Cut the venison into cubes and slice the beef. Peel the potatoes and cut these into cubes too. Slice the carrots; peel the onions and slice; peel and slice the butternut; coarsely chop the tomatoes. also see, Geofiction Genres

Light your fire look at, Philately - Postage Stamp Collectibles and pack hot consider, Tips on Soap Making coals under your potjie. When the pot look at, Thunder Tiger Models is hot, checkout, DIY Concrete Foundation brown the meat, tossing to ensure it browns reasonably evenly. A cast iron pot look at, Barbie Doll House should be kept well oiled (with edible oil, for example sunflower oil) to prevent it from rusting. With this and the fat from the meat, you shouldn't need any additional oil; but you can use a little bit of olive oil if you wish.

When the meat has browned, mix in the flour to coat have a look at, Doll House Toys the meat. Then add the soup and various seasonings. Heat also see, RC Buggies the apple juice and wine together in a small pan either over the coals or on the stove, and pour this over the meat. Cover the pot why not visit, Quilting and allow the ingredients to simmer over low coals for three to four hours. Check from time to time to make sure there is enough liquid in the pot, look at, Walking Robots but DO NOT stir. If you need to, add a little heated wine or stock to the pot, also look at, Aluminum Display Cases without stirring.

Layer the vegetables try, Fanon over the meat and allow to simmer for another half hour or until the meat is tender. In the meantime mix the flour, salt and milk together to make soft dough for the dumplings. Spoon the dough on top of the vegetables. checkout, International Kite Festivals Cover and leave to cook for another half hour.

Serve immediately and enjoy eating the fruits why not visit, Barbie Doll House of your South African game recipe.

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