Sugar Free Banana Crumpet Muffins

Sugar free banana crumpet muffins follow the English muffin making tradition and are cooked in a hot also see, Wheels Diecast frying pan instead of in the oven. They are also a lot flatter than cup cake type American muffins.

This recipe substitutes Xylitol for the usual sugar, and it produces particularly delicious crumpet muffins. You can use any other sweetener, but be sure to ascertain how much you need to substitute to get the same sweetness as a tablespoon of sugar. The easiest solution is to opt for a sweetener that equals the volume of sugar one to one, like Equal.

Just one word of advice: If you are on a diet, you'd better leave out the whipped cream!

Sugar Free Banana Crumpet Muffins Ingredients

• 1½ cups all purpose flour
• 1½ teaspoons baking powder
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 tablespoon Xylitol or other sweetener
• 2 large eggs
• 1 cup milk
• 2 tablespoons melted butter
• 1 cup well chopped banana
• ¼ cup lemon juice
• 15 strawberries or stoned fresh cherries
• ½ cup whipped cream


Sift the dry ingredients together. Beat the eggs in a large mixing bowl and add the milk, melted butter and the dry ingredient. Mix with a spoon until all these ingredients are smooth. You are aiming for a mix that has the consistency of thick cream.

The best sort of frying pan to use for crumpets is a non-stick one, but it is not essential. Lightly grease the pan with a little bit of butter and heat. have a look at, Mobile CB Radios Place try, RC Glow Helicopters teaspoonfuls of the batter in the pan. Don't put too many in as they will flatten and spread. When bubbles appear on the surface, turn quickly with a spatula and cook on the other side. As each of your sugar free muffins is cooked, remove and place checkout, BeRobot now more affordable on a plate to cool. You may need to grease the pan several times during the cooking process.

Sprinkle the chopped banana with the lemon juice. Place try, How to bake Sugar Free Cakes a spoonful of chopped banana in the middle of each crumpet. Fold over and pin together with a toothpick that has a berry or cherry on the top end. Squirt whipped cream into each open side of your sugar free banana crumpet muffins.

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