Sugar free Chocolate Chip Muffins

It might sound as though it is impossible, but sugar free chocolate muffins DO exist. And you can make them at home. why not visit, Touring Motorcycles We will show you how.

First of all, if you are looking at this recipe, you obviously recognise that chocolate muffins are really yummy. But because you aren't going to be adding sugar to your recipe in any form at all, then you are going to have to be sure you use a good quality sweetener and the best sugar free chocolate you can find.

Choosing chocolate for sugar free chocolate chip muffins
All the muffins in our sugar free muffins list have something in common - they don't include sugar in the ingredients list. This doesn't mean that they aren't sweet, although some are in fact beautifully savoury and not sweet at all. Others are sweet - beautifully sweet.

If you want to make sugar free chocolate muffins, your best option is to buy chocolate that has been made with 100 percent cacao - with NO sugar added. It might come as a surprise, but if you use chocolate that is 100 percent cacao (for example the products also see, Pewter Collectibles that come out of Willie's Wonky Chocolate Factory in the UK), then you can succeed. Just be aware that most of the chocolate on our supermarket shelves contains sugar, even dark bitter chocolate.

Sugar free Chocolate Chip Muffins Ingredients

• 2 cups self raising flour
• 2 teaspoons of baking powder
• 1½ teaspoons of Xylitol (or an artificial sweetener)
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 2 large eggs
• 1 cup of milk
• 4 tablespoons butter
• 40-50 g 100% cacao chocolate


Heat your oven to 200 °C and grease your muffin pan or pans. You can make up to 14 regular sized sugar free chocolate chip muffins with this recipe.

Melt the butter and leave it to cool.

Chop the chocolate and put it on one side.

Sift the dry ingredients together using a hand-held sieve.

Measure out the milk and break the eggs into the milk. Use a fork to mix the milk and eggs together, in the same way as you would when making scrambled egg (only there's a lot more milk here).

Add the butter, milk and eggs to the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir with a plastic have a look at, Embroidery Stitch Identification Guide or wooden look at, Fossicking in New South Wales spoon. Don't worry if the mix looks a little lumpy. Stir in the chocolate.

Spoon the mix into the muffin pans so that each one is half the three-quarters full.

Pop into the oven and bake for no more than 20 minutes. We'll bet that it won't take long to flatten these delicious sugar free chocolate chip muffins.

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