Sugar free Ginger Muffins

Anyone who likes the flavour of ginger will love the taste of these unusual sugar free ginger muffins. They are however, a bit of a cheat since they must be made using molasses, which means they are not strictly speaking sugar free, even though there is no granular cane sugar added to the ingredients.

Molasses is, of course, a product also look at, Blacksmithing Tools that is made from refined sugar! You could try using honey instead, but the results won't be quite the same.

While our popular basic sugar free muffin recipe forms the base for this exciting recipe, there are some quite important changes , Scrapbooking in terms of both ingredients and the temperate of the oven. So be sure to follow the instructions.

The best way to serve sugar free ginger muffins is hot look at, South African game recipe for brunch with ladles of cold also see, Automobile butter. Margarine just doesn't taste as good.

Sugar free Ginger Muffins Ingredients

• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 teaspoons of baking powder
• ¼ teaspoon baking soda
• ½ teaspoon ground ginger
• 1 teaspoon of Xylitol (or another sweetener)
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 large egg
• ½ cup of milk
• ½ cup molasses
• 6 tablespoons butter


Preheat your oven to 190 °C and grease your muffin pan or pans. These ingredients are sufficient to make about 16 regular sized muffins, so choose your pans with this in mind.

Start by melting the butter, either in a small pot why not visit, Collecting American Coins on top of your stove or in a cup or bowl in your microwave. If you use a microwave don't turn the heat look at, Boat Building Plywood on for too long or the butter will start to hiss and spit. Remove from the stove or microwave and put the butter on one side to cool.

Now sift all your dry ingredients together, including the baking soda and ginger. Measure out the milk and the molasses and combine these together. Break up and lightly beat the egg and add it to the dry ingredients, and then add the milk-molasses mix together with the cooled, but still liquid butter. Stir thoroughly to form a nice, smooth batter mix.

Spoon into your muffins pans and then bake for 18 to 20 minutes.

When they are done, the only thing left to do will be to enjoy eating your sugar free ginger muffins.

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