Sugar Free Honey Muffins

Sugar free honey muffins are made with a great dollop of honey in the middle of them. You can use pure runny honey or buttered honey, and alter the quantity to taste. The more honey you use, the sweeter the sugar free muffins will be.

Instead of using a substitute sweetener, we suggest that you add a tablespoon of honey to the batter, so that the flavour is consistent. You will, however need to use baking soda to neutralize the acid in the honey. If you'd rather stick to Xylitol or Stevia, then leave out the baking soda and the extra tablespoon of honey. But they won't be honey muffins without the dollop of honey in the middle.

These ingredients are sufficient to make 12 standard why not visit, Fire Department Collectibles size muffins.

Sugar Free Honey Muffins Ingredients

• 2 cups all-purpose, self raising flour
• 2 teaspoons of baking powder
• ½ teaspoon salt
• ½ teaspoon baking soda
• 2 large eggs, preferably free range
• 1 cup of milk left room also see, RC Electric Cars temperature for at least an hour
• 4 tablespoons butter, melted and cooled
• 1 tablespoon runny honey for the batter
• 12 x ½ teaspoons runny or buttered honey, one for each muffin


Preheat your oven to 200 °C and then mix the batter.

First measure out the dry ingredients and sift them into a large mixing bowl. Don't worry about mixing the dry ingredients together yet. Measure the butter and melt it. Leave to cool. Then measure the milk and break the eggs into the milk. Use a fork to break up the yolks and beat the milk and eggs together. Add this milk mixture to your dry ingredients.

Heat the tablespoon of honey until it is liquid. Stir into the batter mix.

Grease your muffin tin and put a heaped spoonful of batter into each cup. Now put a half a teaspoon of honey into each cup and top with another spoonful (or more) of batter - depending on how much batter is left.

Bake for about 20 minutes, until you can prick the muffins with a skewer that comes out clean.

You will find that the honey sinks to the bottom of the muffins and spreads out around their base. So cut them lengthwise and serve with butter or good quality margarine.

What could be better than sugar free honey muffins?

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