Sugar free Strawberry Surprise Muffins

Imagine biting into a gorgeous golden brown muffin and finding a juicy ripe strawberry in the middle. That's what happens when you bake sugar free strawberry surprise muffins according to this recipe.

All you need for the recipe are our basic muffin ingredients - flour, baking powder, Xylitol instead of sugar, salt, eggs, milk, butter - and big, fresh, ripe strawberries. The number of strawberries you will need depends entirely on the size of your muffin pan. It also depends on how full you make the pan or pans. For example you can bake six mega-muffins in 90 mm diameter pans if you fill them nearly to the top. But you can double the number if you half-fill the pan, which is what is normally recommended.

Using cake flour will give your sugar free strawberry surprise muffins an extra fluffy texture, but any all-purpose flour may be used.

Sugar free Strawberry Surprise Muffins Ingredients

• 2 cups cake flour
• 2 teaspoons of baking powder
• 1 teaspoon of Xylitol (or another sweetener)
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 2 large eggs
• 1 cup of milk at room look at, Digital Collage temperature
• 4 tablespoons butter (or some other shortening), melted and left to cool
• strawberries, washed and patted dry


Preheat your oven to 200 °C and prepare the batter. Do this by first sifting the dry ingredients - the flour, baking powder, salt and sweetener - into a mixing bowl. Combine the milk, eggs and butter, and beat rapidly with a fork so that the eggs break up thoroughly.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and then use a wooden , Control Line Planes or plastic also see, RC Work Boats mixing spoon to mix. Don't beat the mixture, but use a movement that is a little brisker than simply folding. Try to get it as smooth as possible, using the back of the spoon to break down lumps against the inside checkout, RC Boats - General of the bowl.

Grease your muffin tin or tins and start by putting one spoonful of the batter mix into each section. Carefully place checkout, Club House Model a strawberry into each one and then add a second spoonful or more to each.

Bake for 20 minutes, allow to cool and then enjoy sharing and eating your freshly baked sugar free strawberry surprise muffins.

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