Tea Leaf Reading

Tea Leaf Reading

Tea leaf reading probably began right from the time the first cup of tea was drunk. This ancient art is also called Tasseomancy or Tasseography. It is derived from the French word “Tasse” meaning cup and “graphy” meaning divination. Originating from China, tea leaf reading involved looking for omens, symbols and unusual patterns in the cups of tea. This form of divination is considered to be one of the most creative, where concentration plays a vital role. A peaceful environment why not visit, Diecast Jet Airplanes is best suited for a good reading.

The Technic of Tea Leaf Reading

For tea leaf reading you require a cup and saucer, some tea leaves, loose tea, about half a tea spoon should do, and hot water. consider, Digital Camera Lens The reader and the seeker should sit as near as possible to each other. The seeker is asked to stir the tea leaves with a spoon. If the tea spills it is considered to be very lucky. Next hot water consider, Geofiction and History is poured over it and the seeker has to focus on the future while constantly stirring. If the bubbles come and float on the top it means that the person is going to have monetary gains or has a kiss coming his or her way. If a hard stem of the leaf floats to the surface it indicates that some male guest is coming, while a soft stem is indicative of a woman guest at your doorstep. The tea is then drunk, do be careful to leave some portion of it. The cup is shaken and all the remaining liquid is drained off. Now the diviner looks for any motifs in the cup made by the remaining tea leafs. They might appear as a letter, ring or heart shaped. These symbols are then interpreted, some common ones are a spade, which means good fortune, snake, symbolizes falsehood or enmity and a mountain signifies a journey of hindrance.

Some diviners ask the seekers to drink the tea and swirl the cup. Likewise some diviners prefer white checkout, Fiberglass Boat Building cups while the others prefer marked cups. There are various types of fortune cups but the most common are the playing card cups, zodiac signs cups and the symbol cups. The playing card cups have either 52 cards and a joker or 32 cards. The cards relate cartomancy to tasseography.

The symbol cups have around twelve to fifty common cues found on the tea leaves and it works as an easy reference. And the zodiac cups have planetary symbols. These symbols help the diviner to combine Astrology with Tasseography. Whatever your preference, do your research well before you begin predicting.

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