Using Software in Geofiction

Those who have been engaged in geofiction as a hobby for quite some time probably started off with the pen-and-paper approach - drawing out everything on sketch pads or drafting paper. Now, though, in the glorious age of technology we currently enjoy, there are software programs that you can use to make your geofiction experience better and more efficient.

This article will talk about a few options that exist for geofictioners. Some of them are somewhat expensive, but there are also programs that are relatively cheap. Plus, the value you get from a product try, Tips for Growing Bean Sprouts really depends on how much you enjoy it, not how much it costs.

Campaign Cartographer 3

Developed by gaming software company ProFantasy Software, Campaign Cartographer 3 is a piece of software that allows you to create maps with an extraordinary amount of detail. It is mostly used by tabletop gamers, but can be used very easily by geofictioners who want to create a rich, professional-looking map instead of drawing it out by hand.

This program also has an extensive community associated with it, featuring a lot of designers try, South African game recipe for venison with a German flavour who have created their own maps for sharing and discussion. I have found that people who use this program love it, due to its ability as well as its ease of use.

Campaign Cartographer 3 can be purchased from the ProFantasy website for $44.95. You can also purchase several add-ons that expand its capabilities.


iTabletop is a handy tool also see, Rag Doll making for anyone who wants to collaborate with others on a geofiction project. It basically utilizes your computer's webcam so that people can play tabletop games over distance. You can use this with your project collaborators to interact and work on various aspects of your geofiction project together. It is especially useful if your geofiction project is related to a board game.

iTabletop is available via a monthly subscription.

Fractal Mapper 8.0

A lot of people within the geofiction community that use software love this program, which is a high-end mapping system that allows users to create a wide variety of maps for their project. You can create something as small as a specific building, have a look at, Portrait Artists or something as large as an entire continent. The program also comes with packs and add-ons for more options and flexibility. In addition, you can create 3D relief maps of your created territory - always a plus.

Fractal Mapper 8.0 can be downloaded for $34.95 from, with the Symbol Pack 1: Campaign World available for $14.95.

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