Art and Crafts Personal Pages Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Arts and Crafts Links > Art and Crafts Personal Pages
Total Number of Links in this Category: 5
Collection of pencil portraits, pyrography portraits, scroll saw art, digital art.
Sherrie's Artwork
An artist trying to find her ideal medium, with galleries including mosaic, stained glass, try, Miniature Model House fused glass, why not visit, Hamsters porcelein, ceramic and other mediums.
Charlotte Woodward's Home Page
Pictures and links to patterns for beaded crochet, tatting and greyhounds.
Rose Arbor Crafts
Rose Arbor Crafts-Handcrafted holiday gifts and handcrafted home also see, Non Profit Organization Web Design in Australia decor.Information and resources for Professional Crafters and hobby crafters.Handmade in the USA featuring Fall, try, Whittling in Wood Carving Halloween,Christmas and more....
Susan Mayclin Stephenson - American Impressionist
View the works, and works in progress, of a well-known painter from the artist colony of Trinidad, California.

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