Collecting Buttons Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Collecting Links > Collecting Sewing Items > Collecting Buttons
Total Number of Links in this Category: 3
Button Information
An educational page showing various collectible clothing button types including uniform, clear and colored glass, also see, Used Display Cases black glass, checkout, Film Making Goodyear rubber, hard rubber, gutta percha, composition, Marion Weeber celluloids. Bimini glass. checkout, Online Family History Artist-created Japerware. Unifo...
Online Button Museum with antique, historical and collectible buttons on exhibit.
The China Exchange
A website specializing in collectible china sewing buttons. Sections include original sales cards, competition cards, examples of rare and unusual chinas, a schedule of events, and links to other sites....

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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