Decorative Painting Links Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Arts and Crafts Links > Decorative Painting Links
Total Number of Links in this Category: 8
1 Stroke - ONE Stroke Decorative Painting in Arizona
ONE Stroke is sweeping the decorative painting look at, Thanks for your review world. Linda Petrarca, Arizona's first ONE Stroke Certified Instructor. Class schedules, supply catalogs and samples are here.
Folk Art on canvas, furniture and accent pieces
Original, colorful folk art themes are brought to life on furniture have a look at, Kyosho RC Cars and accent pieces. Imaginative themes - early american, western, native american, hot air also see, Rayon balloons, fairy tales, sport fishing, humor, clowns, circus, hunting, look at, Jewellery or Jewelry Making animals, have a look at, South African game recipe for Venison patties pets, geographic l...
Murals for Children's Bedrooms and Playrooms by Happy the Artist
Whimsical murals for walls , Toy RC Boat in children's playrooms, nurseries, hospitals, restaurants, and businesses by muralist Happy the Artist.
Nina Fritz
Paintings by Seaside Artist Nina Fritz.Local Pensacola Florida artist Nina Fritz paints checkout, Trials Motorcycles beach scenes, blue consider, Candle Making Machine angels, portraits... in oil and watercolor
Nora Begona
Realism and Fantasy Art by artist: Presents - wildlife, also see, Sugar Free Corn Currant Muffins horses, also see, Sugar Free Honey Muffins portraits, fairies, gones plus other magic themes.
Anna paints have a look at, RC Electric Assist Gliders decorative stones also look at, Hapkido in the shape of miniature houses why not visit, RC Mini Robots plus other handicrafts are presented.
Scottie's Bavarian Folk Art
Scottie's Bavarian Folk Art, Bauernmalerei European folk painting. , DIY Bathroom Vanity How-to books and video on Germanand Austrian Bauernmalerei; a painted doll house, also see, DIY Bathroom Grout mini clocks, free project.
Welcome to ToleTown!
Decorative painting also see, Model Rockets virtual community offering online look at, DIY Plumbing Fittings classes, e-packets, skill have a look at, Afghan Crochet builders and more for the decorative and tole painter.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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