Historic Recipes Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Cooking Resources > World Cuisines > Historic Recipes
Total Number of Links in this Category: 12
Lady Logie's Recipes
Angus Council - Local try, Sugar Free Apple Walnut Muffins History - Archival Gems - Lady Logie's Recipes
Regency Collection - Recipes
Recipes from authentic handwritten 'receipt' books of the 18th century.
Recipe Center
Original texts of the recipes along with a modern workout.
Victorian recipes
Recipes from 1893 for cakes and sweets.
Recipes of Wartime Europe
Eight recipes from Margaret Patten's cookbooks.
Frugal Recipes From Wartime Britain
Frugal Recipes From Wartime Britain. This page is part of ALL THAT WOMEN WANT magazine and web why not visit, Collectible Beer Glasses guide for women. Categories - Parenting, Entertainment, Women's Business, Careers, Computing, Food consider, Intro To Geofiction and Drink, Travel, Shopping, Seasonal Links, What Kids Want,...
Francesco Sirene, Spicer
Information on exotic herbs why not visit, Kids Digital Cameras and spices used in historic cooking, along with some recipes.
Medieval recipies
Favourite Medieval and Renaissance recipes adapted for the modern cook.
Recipes of Wartime Europe
Eleven recipes from the last half of the last century (in English and German); from Timewitnesses.org.
The Doughboy Cookbook
A dozen recipes of a soldier's menu during the First World War, such as Hardtack, Bullets in a Pot, look at, Doll Display Cabinets and S.O.S.
Pioneer Recipes - Whitman Mission National Historic Site
Adaptations of recipes prepared by Native Americans or pioneers on the Oregon Trail.
Some Recipes of al-Andalus
Vegetarian recipes of Medieval Spain.

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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