Isshin Ryu Schools and Instruction Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Sports & Activities > Martial Arts Links > Karate Links > Isshin Ryu Links > Isshin Ryu Schools and Instruction
Total Number of Links in this Category: 10
Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate
Traditional Okinawan Isshinryu Karate school. Features try, Remote Control Bike photographs, class schedule, vocabulary, seminars and related information. also look at, Sugar Free Banana Crumpet Muffins
Bushido Karate Academy
Ft Davis Isshinryu Karate Club
Located in Maryland. Contains history, style details, and related information. try, Traxxas
Isshinryu Karate Academy
Isshinryu Karate Academy of Pittsburgh. Traditional Okinawan Martial Art.
Holbrook Karate Academy - Nick Adler Centurions Schools
Holbrook Academy of Self-Defense is one of a group of Nick Adler Centurions Schools located in Holbrook and Smithtown, Long Island, Westchester, Bronx, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Although respect and discipline are foremost at the academy...
Isshinryu Karate
History of Isshinryu, belt requirements, kata, Bunkai and photographs of techniques. Located in
California Karate Club
Club information, also look at, Collectible Telephones style history, day camps, store, schedule, fees and photo gallery. [Santa Monica, CA]
Bryant's Isshinryu Karate
Located Oxford, Michigan. Katas, tournaments, instructors and class schedules.
Teaching Okinowan Isshinryu. Includes links and contact information. also see, Crochet
TOKI, Traditional Okinawan Karate Institute
The Traditional Okinawan Karate Institute specializes in the art of Isshinryu Karate for children and adults.The Traditional Okinawan Karate Institute facility has certified black belt instructors who assist in the classes. Master Carl Martin oversees ev...

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