Jewish Genealogy Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Genealogy Links > Family Trees By Religions > Jewish Genealogy
Total Number of Links in this Category: 11
A compendium of thousands of links relating to Jewish genealogy research sorted in alphabetical order by country try, DIY Sewer Plumbing or subject.
Rosetta Calendar
A calendar conversion service that lets you convert dates among these calendars: Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew (Jewish) and Julian date.
Surnames: Zarchin, Kagan, Ginsberg, Abramson, Kandel, Likier, and Licker.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Philadelphia (JGSGP)
for the JGSGP site.
Rav-SIG: Rabbinic Genealogy Special Interest Group
A forum for those interested in rabbinic genealogy or researching rabbinic ancestry within any geographic area or time period, sponsored by JewishGen, Inc.
The JewishGen ShtetlSeeker
Locates settlements in Central and Eastern Europe. Covers linguistic and historic variants for names.
Information on surnames Mayoff, Mayov and Majew. Includes an online checkout, Collectible Toy Soldiers newsletter and resources for Jewish genealogy.
Migration Heritage Centre
Provides opportunities for people to tell of their achievements, their struggles for belonging, of cultural change, have a look at, Digital Studio Photography traditions and adaptation, reconciliation and celebrations of survival.
JGL: Jewish Genealogy Links
a list of several hundred Jewish Genealogy Links, cross-indexed by subject.
Sephardic genealogy at
Sephardic genealogy at - see our list of names, recipes, and other resources.
A Selected Jewish Ukrainian Bibliography of Felshtin and Ukraine
Ukrainian Jewish Bibliography of books, articles, research sources, and web consider, DIY Bathroom Laminate Flooring sites about the Ukrainian town of Felshtin, the pogrom, and the history and modern status of Jews in Ukraine

These web site links are listed as a convenience to our visitors. If you use these links, we take no responsibility and give no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or otherwise, for the content or accuracy of these third-party sites.




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