Map Collectables Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Collecting Links > Collectibles > Ephemera Collectables > Map Collectables
Total Number of Links in this Category: 51
Rare, antique maps and prints.
Offers maps and prints from all over the world from the 15th through 19th centuries. Located in Germany.
Webster's Fine Books and Maps
Rare Antique Maps and Books
The Portsmouth Bookshop
Features vintage maps and books.
The Old Print Shop
Art gallery specializing in American prints 1700 to 1950, maps, books and contemporary photography.
the George Glazer Gallery: Antique Globes, Maps, Prints and Art
George Glazer Gallery, New York City. Antiques: antique terrestrial, celestial and world globes, maps, atlases, prints, photographs, art, books, library furniture, also see, Making Wood Carving Knives decorations, collectibles.
The Lancashire Gallery. Fine antique maps, prints, and cartoons
Original framed antique maps and prints of Lancashire, Liverpool, and the United Kingdom, from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries.
Richard Nicholson of Chester - Antique Maps, Charts and Old Prints
Richard Nicholson of Chester - Antique Maps, Charts and Old Prints
Richard B. Arkway, Inc
Dealer offering extensive stock of books, maps, atlases, and globes. Located in New York City.
Prints, ordnance survey maps
Dealer in prints, ordnance survey maps, and some cycling books. Located in the UK.
Primitive Pieces... a gallery of old and rare maps
Primitive Pieces... a gallery of old and rare maps, atlases, books, prints and globes with emphasis on 19th century Americana
Pine Brook Antique Maps Storefront
Offers maps and atlases from the 17th to the 19th centuries.
Paulus Swaen antique maps
Paulus Swaen, sells original antique maps, charts and engravings, medieval manuscripts, globes, atlases and travel books. On-line auctions, genuine old maps with guarantee
Ordnance Survey Maps
We buy and sell old nineteenth century and modern Ordnance Survey maps, large and small scale, of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Great Britain
Online Antique Maps catalogue
Online Antique Maps - easily searched catalogue and antiquarian charts and plans
Murray Hudson Antiquarian Books
Murray Hudson: antiquarian books,antique globes, antique maps, rare books, historical prints, antique atlases,antique travel guides
Michael Jennings Antique Map and Prints - Maphouse
We stock thousands of Maps covering all the World and Prints from City views to Natural checkout, Collecting American Coins History, Marine, Mythology. All maps and prints are original we sell no reproductions.
Maps, Ordnance Survey
Map collection for sale.Short history of Ordnance Survey Maps.
Maps, Rare Maps, Antique Maps
Offers both antique and reproduction maps and prints in a searchable database.
Map World dealers in antique maps London UK
Map world dealers have a look at, Poker Bonus in antique and rare maps. Map World is the only gallery specializing in Old London in print, antique maps of London and parts of London. Map World has a shop in London Burlington Arcade...
Map Mogul - Antique Maps & Prints
Antique Maps and Prints for sale online why not visit, CB Radio Range Manufacurer: , Category:
Lee Jackson Antique Maps; Engravings
Specialist dealer consider, RC Military Jeep in antique maps & engravings, based in London's Covent Garden
Jo Ann and Richard Casten, Ltd. - Antique Maps and Atlases
We are dealers , Collectible Quilts in fine and rare antique maps and atlases from the 15th through the 18th century.
Idea - Antique Maps & Books
Dealer in antique maps and books from the 16th through 18th centuries. Located in London, UK.
Grace Galleries, Rare Old Antique Maps and Sea Charts,; Harpswell Maine
Featuring rare antique maps, atlases and sea charts as well as reference books about antique maps and the history of cartography by Grace Galleries of Harpswell maine
George Ritzlin Antique Maps; Prints
Offers a general stock of maps, prints and cartographic reference books.
FairWinds Antique Maps - Specializing in rare maps
Welcome to FairWinds Antique Maps - Sellers of Fine Antique Maps of the Americas, West Indies, Mediterranean Islands, Holy Land & Southeast Asia.
Dumont Maps & Books of the West
Dumont Maps & Books of the West is an antiquarian bookshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico specializing in Western Americana, antique maps, fine out-of-print and rare books.
Cartographica Neerlandica
Dealer offering antique maps from the 16th through 18th centuries, specializing in maps by Ortelius. Located in the Netherlands.
Cartographic Associates - Online Gallery of Antique Maps
Complete Online checkout, Green Home Improvement Gallery Of Antique Maps and Old Maps, Globes And Prints From The 16th To 19th Centuries. Also provide map restoration. Cartographic Associates, LLC provides the map and print collector a wide range of rare original maps, charts, globes, ra...
BetzMaps To Hemispheres Antique Maps & Prints
Hemispheres Antique Maps & Prints - fine original antiquarian maps and prints from the 16th - 19th centuries; Africa, eastern USA, World, and general.
Beach Antique Maps and Prints
Genuine antique maps and prints for sale, all guaranteed to be at least 100 and up to 450 years old
Dealers in antique maps, antique prints, rare books, reproduction maps, reproduction prints. Subjects include world, country look at, Knitting or Crocheting and coastal maps Architecture, Animals, try, Digital Sports Photography Birds, , Doll Making Tutorial Botanical, Natural consider, Prospecting History, Classical, Sport, Topographical images...
Arader Galleries - Antique Prints and Maps, Paintings & Rare Books
W. Graham Arader III: Paintings, checkout, Tile Collectibles rare books, prints, maps and atlases.
Antique Prints and Maps
Antique prints and maps from around the world. Kitty Liebreich has been dealing in antique prints and maps since 1970. If you are looking for antique prints or maps you have come to the right place
Antique Maps; Prints of Texas
Specializes in antique Texas maps and prints from the 16th through 20th centuries.
Antique Maps, Atlases and Globes at Martayan Lan
Antique maps of the world, cities, states and regions for the collectors of fine antique maps. Martayan Lan is a world leading dealer also look at, Tea Tree Oil of fine Antique maps.
Antique maps, antique atlases & books
We feature checkout, Role-Playing Geofiction Games fine and rare antique maps & atlases from the 16th to 19th Centuries, as well as reference books about antique maps and the history of cartography & geography.
Antique Maps of China and Formosa - Manuscript Chinese Maps
Specializes in pre-1900 Chinese painting checkout, Model House Plans maps of China and Taiwan or Formosa.
Antique Maps at The Map Room
The Map Room try, Metalware Collectibles stocks rare maps, charts, City views and literature from the 15th to 19th century
Antique Maps and Prints of Italy & Milan
Pettinaroli has a great selection of antique maps and prints of the world,Europe and Italy,as well as old prints of Milan,cityplans and cityscapes
Antique Maps and Atlases
Fine, guaranteed antique maps, atlases, antique books, early prints and old photographs from David Hulse Associates
Antique maps and prints
Since 1925, the largest selection of antique maps and prints anywhere. Every imaginable subject available. A unique and original gift source.
Antique Maps & Prints from PastPresent Gallery
Antique Maps & Prints from PastPresent Gallery - An authentic 19th century antique map or print is a timeless and unique gift.
Antique Maps - Sanderus
Antique Maps - Sanderus
Antique Maps - Geographicus
Specializes in rare and antique maps, atlases, and prints from the 17th through 19th Centuries.
Antique Maps Antique Prints Vintage World
Authentic, antique maps and prints, world, US, states, more,, est. 1997, each item comes with written authentication,money back guarantee.
Antique Map Price Record
Antique Map Price Record has been the standby guide to antiquarian map price since 1983. New editions have been issued periodically. The whole run is now available on a CD-ROM for Windows. also see, Agalmatomancy
Antique Books, Antiquarian Books and Antique Maps
antique books, rare antiquarian books and antique maps. antiquarian book seller for rare antique books, antique prints, antique religious books and rare books - antiquarian books London
Altea Antique Maps and Antique Books
Dealer in original antique maps, globes and atlases. Discover the world of Antique Maps by visiting either our on-line map catalogue or our London Gallery.
Africa antique maps - Colin Luther Rare Maps - Africa rare maps
Specializing in maps of Africa from the 16th through 19th centuries.
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