Shotokan Links Websites and Resources

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Total Number of Links in this Category: 4
English Shotokan Alliance
The English Shotokan Alliance (ESA) The English Shotokan Alliance (ESA) was formed in September 2007, by the founders; Sensei Slater Williams 6th Dan and Sensei Paul Barron 5th Dan. Both have in excess of 30 years experience. From 1990 they were members of the World Karate-Do Shotokan Academy headed by the renowned late Taiji Kase and Hiroshi Shirai and latterly members of late Taiji Kase sensei�s Shotokan Ryu Kase Ha Instructor Academy of which both retain membership. Membership of the Alliance provides a clear and well-defined structure for all grades. All members, Dependant upon grade, have access to Coaching Qualifications (Governing Body and NVQ), free Black and Brown Belt Courses, and National Courses under National and International Instructors. The ESA is an Association committed to the furtherance of Shotokan Karate as originally taught by the World�s recognised Masters. Membership of the Alliance is on application by groups, clubs and individuals. Application forms and further information checkout, Water Gardening can be obtained from our General Secretary. AIMS & OBJECTIVES The aim of the ESA is to facilitate an Alliance of clubs and groups dedicated to continuing the Traditional Shotokan practise as disseminated around the World by graduates of the Japan Karate Association (JKA) Instructors Course. Senior members of the ESA (3rd Dan and above) will also have access to instruction from the late Kase sensei�s Academy system...
26 Shotokan karate kata
shotokan is dedicated to helping karate students achieve their potential when performing the 26 kata within the shotokan sylabus
Karate Do Shotokai Budo Japanese Martial Arts
Complete site on Karate Do Shotokai, Karate-do, Budo and Japanese Traditional martial arts, interviews, philosophy, picture, video, history, techniques, kata, moves, weapon information consider, Start Wood Carving and the original Shotokan pictures...
Karate the Japanese Way
Karate in Japan, the training, try, Collectors Display Cabinets the teachers, the experience. Content is continually updated. Pages provide in-depth look into all aspects of Shotokan Karate.

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