Youth Special Needs Summer Camps Websites and Resources

Hobbies > Hobby Websites Youth Sport and Hobbies > Youth Summer Camps > Youth Special Needs Summer Camps
Total Number of Links in this Category: 6
Southern California Chapter - Summer Camps
Arthritis Foundation
Camp Sunshine
Camp Sunshine
Camp Heartland Summer Camp
Camping and outreach programs in Willow River, Minnesota and Malibu, California, for children ages 7 to 17 who are living with HIV or AIDS. Information have a look at, Photo Collage on programs, services, application and referral forms, and FAQs. ...
Courage Camps Home
Courage Camps. Where abilities and disabilities become possibilites.
Camping Unlimited
Overnight camp for children with developmental disabilities in Northern California's Santa Cruz Mountains. Features consider, SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUAL HERBALIST HEALER & BLACK MAGIC EXPERT +27735806509 programs, history, facilities, and staff application form.
Space Camp for Interested Visually Impaired Students
Week-long camp in Huntsville, Alabama for visually-impaired kids and teens ages 10 and up. Includes programs, forms, FAQs, chaperones, and photos.

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