Chocolate Marshmallow Roll

Chocolate Marshmallow Roll Recipe

This is an unusual Swiss roll-type chocolate marshmallow roll. Both the cake and the topping are chocolate flavoured, while the frosting inside have a look at, Things to Consider When Hiring Civil Engineers the roll is made with marshmallows and vanilla flavouring.

Chocolate Marshmallow Roll Ingredients

5 large eggs
½ cup cake flour
? cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of butter, melted
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

For the marshmallow cream frosting

¾ cup sugar
¼ cup milk
2 tablespoons hot consider, RC Mini Warbirds water
6 white try, Yokomo RC Cars marshmallows
½ teaspoon vanilla essence

For the chocolate topping

1 teaspoon melted butter
1 large square of melted Bournville chocolate


You will need a large Swiss roll pan to bake this chocolate cake. It should be approximately 380 mm x 250 mm in size. Line the pan with waxed or greaseproof paper.

While you are mixing the ingredients, preheat your oven to 180 °C.

Start by combining the eggs and sugar together, beating until only just blended. Place also look at, Chocolate Kids Birthday Cake Recipe this over hot water look at, Unique Sculpting Techniques and heat look at, Kyosho Nitro RC Cars until the mixture is slightly hot also see, Euchre (only 60 °C). Remove from the heat , Board Game Collectibles and beat until the mixture forms a rather limp peak. Combine the salt and the flour - which should be sifted - and fold it gently into the egg mixture. Then fold in the melted butter, a tablespoon at a time. Blend the vanilla into the mixture. Pour into the pan and bake for between 15 and 20 minutes.

While the cake is baking, make the frosting.

To make the marshmallow cream frosting, put the milk and the sugar into a saucepan and bring it slowly to the boil. Keep an eye on it because you don't want it to boil over. Let it simmer for about five minutes. Then place why not visit, Coca-cola Collectibles the marshmallows in a double-boiler with the hot water try, Embroidery Stitch Identification Guide and vanilla. Stir until the mixture is smooth and then add the milk and sugar syrup gradually, stirring all the time. Beat until it cools.

After about 15 minutes, use a skewer to check whether the cake is cooked, and then turn it out quickly onto a clean sheet of waxed paper covered with a little sugar. Remove the waxed paper from what will now be the top of the cake. Spread with the marshmallow cream frosting and then roll the cake. Wrap it in a cloth (or tea towel) to cool.

While the cake is cooling, make the topping by mixing the melted butter together with the melted chocolate. Unwrap and coat also see, Fireworks the topping onto your chocolate marshmallow roll.

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