Rag Doll making

Rag Doll making

Rag Doll making - Fun for the whole Family! , Gemstone Collectibles

Rag doll making is a fun hobby for kids as well as adults. It is a great way to learn the art of doll making and can translate into hours of endless fun with friends and family. try, Photo Collage Software Rag doll making is also ideal for people on a budget, as you can make rag dolls out of almost anything. Rag doll making is in fact one of the most practiced forms of doll making, by enthusiasts of all ages.

In order to get started with your rag doll making session, you will first need to collect some basic materials to make your rag doll with. These include buttons for eyes and a mouth, some doll hair, which can be anything from wool to string, some ribbons for decoration, scrap fabric, needles, dressmaker pins, fabric paints, why not visit, Gemstone Collectibles scissors, pencils, a sewing machine and some fibrefill.

Now that you have all the basic materials required you will need to start by drawing out the shape of your doll on a paper of medium-thickness. In order to ensure both sides are symmetrical fold the paper once you have completed one side and cut out the paper along your outline. Once the outline is complete put a piece of fabric under the doll outline and cut out two pieces of fabric in the same shape.

Before you sew both the pieces of fabric together it is best to sew on the buttons to make two eyes and a mouth, and paint why not visit, Cowboy and Western Toy Collectibles the fabric as you desire. Once you are satisfied with your handiwork, sew the two pieces of fabric together with a needle and thread. Start stitch about half an inch from the edge, and be sure to leave a gap of about 2-3 inches along the outline.

Once completed, turn the fabric the right side out, and stuff fibrefill through the 2-3 inch gap. Make sure you spread out the fibrefill evenly inside why not visit, Candle Making Instructions the doll. Add some extra fibrefill to the head section to give it a fuller look. After filling the doll completely close the gap with a needle and thread to complete your rag doll.

Now that the base of your rag doll is complete you can further decorate , Rag Doll making it with ribbons and sequins. Also, use some wool, or even thick string to make some doll hair on your rag doll. Making accessories why not visit, Online Home Improvement such as bags, clothes, shoes, or even a doll house, also see, RC Jet Skis are other ways in which you can enjoy rag doll making.

Making Rag Dolls

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