South African game recipe for Venison stew

If there is an art to making a good game stew, it begins with the ingredients. However even this traditional South African game recipe for venison stew, there is some leeway in terms of the adjustments you can make if you wish. While this South African game recipe will produce a pleasing and very tasty dish, be sure to taste the stew before you serve it. If necessary add a little (or less) salt and pepper. checkout, RC Mini Submarine You will see that burgundy or claret are specified for the marinade. You can of course substitute a cheap red wine. But if you do, bear in mind that the cheaper wines often taste more like vinegar than wine. A good quality wine will undoubtedly go a long way to taking this South African game recipe from ordinaire to extraordinary. And don't be tempted to use spirit vinegar instead of cider vinegar. On the other hand you could substitute more expensive white look at, Advanced Home-Chemistry Experiments wine vinegar.

1.2 kg shoulder of venison
45 ml shortening or butter
5 ml salt
pinch pepper why not visit, Animals
1 large onion, sliced
125 ml tomato checkout, Fiberglass Boat Building purée
190 ml water
15 ml flour

500 ml burgundy or claret
65 ml cider vinegar
2 juniper berries
5 ml salt
pinch black pepper
1 bay leaf
½ onion, cliced
½ carrot, sliced
30 ml sugar
2 whole cloves

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade together. Cut the meat off the bone and remove the fat and any sinews. Place consider, Tea Leaf Reading in a bowl or casserole dish and pour the marinade over the meat. Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Turn the meat from time to time.

Before cooking, remove the meat and drain. Then heat also see, Baseball Card Collectibles the shorting in a saucepan and brown the meat gradually on all sides. Add about 200 ml of strained marinade together with a little salt and pepper. checkout, Sculpting for Fun Bring to the boil, cover and then simmer gently for about 90 minutes. Uncover and add the onion, tomato why not visit, RC Electric Assist Gliders and 125 ml water. try, Breaking in Electric RC Jeeps Simmer for another hour. Before serving, thicken the sauce with flour blended to a smooth paste in the remaining water. consider, Stained Glass Equipment Boil for a couple of minutes and serve very hot , Aeromancy with rice and any vegetables look at, Drawing Flowers that you feel will complement this South African game recipe.

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