Sugar Free Orange Raisin Muffins

Sugar free orange raisins muffins are an ideal breakfast treat. This recipe calls checkout, World War I Reenactments for freshly squeezed orange juice, but you can use bottled or canned juice instead if you prefer, or if you can't find nice sweet, juicy oranges. Just make sure that bottled juice doesn't have sugar added to it otherwise it won't be a sugar free recipe.

These muffins cook at a slightly lower temperature also look at, Painting for Children than some of our other recipes. For this reason the cooking time is a little longer. Be sure not to overcook them. They should be golden brown when they are cooked.

Sugar Free Orange Raisin Muffins Ingredients

• 1½ cups all-purpose flour
• 1½ teaspoons baking powder
• 2 tablespoons Xylitol or two envelopes of your favourite artificial sweetener
• 2 large eggs
• ½ cup butter (or vegetable also look at, Tamiya RC Cars shortening)
• 1 cup of raisins
• 1 orange, freshly squeezed


Turn your oven to 180 °C to bring it up to temperature consider, Ultimate Barbell Buying Guide 2020 while you prepare the muffin mixture.

First put the raisins and orange juice into a small pot also see, 3D Park Flyer (so that the orange juice just covers the raisins) on the stove and bring to a simmer. When the raisins are soft, remove from the heat consider, Sports Collectibles and allow them to cool.

Cream the shortening with the sweetener in a mixing bowl. Beat one egg into the mix. Then beat in the second egg. Sieve the flour and baking powder into a second bowl. Then add to the creamed egg mixture and stir with a wooden try, RC Gas Cars or plastic , Collectible Foreign Coins spoon until the mixture is nice and smooth. Add the raisins and orange juice and stir until the batter is smooth and creamy.

Grease a 12-cup muffin pan with a tiny bit of butter. Alternatively you could put cupcake liners into the pan. Put an equal amount of batter into each cup.

Put the muffins into the oven and allow them to cook slowly for about 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow the muffins to cool. If you wish you can serve a little butter and orange marmalade with these delicious sugar free orange raisin muffins.

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