South African BBQ red meat

South African BBQ recipe for grilled red meat
Frying and grilling are considered to be the simplest and quickest ways to cook good quality cuts of red meat, regardless of the South African BBQ recipe used for cooking. If cheaper meat is to be used for a South African BBQ recipe, then it will need to be marinated. But if you are cooking good quality meat, particularly lamb or beef, then you don't even need a South African BBQ recipe to work from. Just follow the basic rules.

How to cook meat over an open fire
First of all you should cook thicker pieces of meat when you barbecue or braai red meat. Remember that thin chops and steaks tend to lose their body when they are subjected to the fierce heat , Chocolate Cakes of an open fire. , Figure Drawing

South Africans often marinate their meat before braaing it, even if it is top quality fare. Alternatively simply season checkout, Orissa Crab Curry the meat and then cook it.

There are so many proprietary spices for BBQ meals it's scary. You can use any of them, but if you are planning to use additional salt, add this after the meat has cooked as it tends to toughen meat of all kinds. Even some of the off-the-shelf spices can toughen meat.

In any case, the best way to grill meat SA style is to first season checkout, RC Abrams Tank it and then brush it all over with a little olive oil. If the meat has already been marinating in an oily mixture, then you should skip this step. When the coals are ready, put the meat on a grid over the coals and let it cook slowly. If you are cooking small portions, it is a good idea to put tin foil over the grid to contain it and prevent the meat from falling through the grid.

As a guide in terms of time required for cooking, four 300 g rump steaks that are about 25 mm thick will take between 10 and 15 minutes to cook. This will though depend on the heat also see, Home Improvement Loan of the fire also see, CB Radios and how you like your steak done. Eight lamb chops that are about 20 mm thick will need the same cooking time.

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